My studio is based around a Protools 11 HDX system, MADI I/O and 64 I/O of Antelope Orion 32 conversion, this allows me to utilize my nice collection of outboard gear and vintage 48 input Midas XL200 analog console and Burl B32 Summing Mixer. I use a hybrid setup where most of the outboard is setup as hardware inserts and the console or Summing Mixer for analog summing so that recall in the analog domain is quick and easy.
Preamps: A Designs Pacifica Pair, Hairball Audio Lola Pair, CAPI 312 Pair, Chandler Germanium Pair, Focusrite ISA428 (4 Channels) and 48ch Midas Pres.
EQ: API 550A Pair, Rupert Neve 551, CAPI LC25, NightPro EQ3D Stereo
Compression: Retro STA Level, Retro Double Wide, Chandler Little Devil Pair, JML LA500 LA3A, 1176 Revision D Kit, Disressor EL8 Pair, RND 5043, Ashley SC-50 pair, DBX 160A Pair, DBX 160X Pair.
Other / Monitoring: RND 542 Tape Emulator pair, Grace M905 Digital, Vintage Roland SDE1000 Pair, Dynaudio BM6A Mk1 and KRK Sub, NS-10M and Hafler amp.
Microphones: 70s Neumann U87, Custom Hand Wired M49 Clone, Custom Hand Wired C12 Clone, Peluso P12, Royer R121, Shure SM7B, Beyer Dynamic M201, Sennheiser MD421, AKG D12VR, Shure SM57 x4, AKG 414BULS, AKG 414EB Pair, Sony C38B Pair, Beyer Dynamic MC930 Pair, Oktava MK0-12 Pair, CAD M179 x3